Y6 28th April 2020

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 9:54am

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Hello Year 6,

Thank you to everyone who has already made a start on the weekly tasks mentioned yesterday.

Today I would like you make a start or complete the following tasks:

  1. Maths No problem, Unit 7, lesson 2: Finding the percentage of a quantity
  2. Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars
  3. Spellodrome tasks
  4. Look at today’s writing task in the Homework Folder and make a start
  5. Look at the craft task in the Homework folder and make a start or complete.
  6. Read this week’s discussion (In the Discussion Folder) and add a comment.
  7. Log on to Oak Academy Resources at www.thenational.academy select, ‘classroom’, then ‘Year 6’, then ‘English’ and watch the lesson entitled Information Leaflet lesson 1: reading focus.


It looks like James and Angus have taken up Aiden's mantle and have stormed into the weekly lead for Spellodrome. Welcome back to Elliot who has made a start on it this week.

However, we only had 9/28 children use it yesterday which as part of your homework you can work out what percentage of the class that is. Please can we all try to do a daily Spellodrome session - it doesn't need to be long; 'Little and Often' is the mantra. 

Angus 1100, Erin 400, Connor 600, Elliot 160, Imogen 10, Max 600, James 1030, Lillie 200 and Lexie 300.


To simplify reporting on the wonderful work some of you are doing on Matheltics, I'll now be reporting about work set two days previously. This is because I am giving everyone a day and a half to complete their tasks but I am setting daily tasks. This may seem a little confusing but it is to try to encourage as many of you to complete the tasks as possible and it also allows you to 'catch up' if you miss a day for whatever reason.

So the shout out for our Mathletics children today goes to all those children who completed the tasks dated Friday 24th April - Monday 27th (12:30pm)


Laila, Angus, Erin, Connor, Elliot, Imogen, Max, Rhia, James, Lillie,Lexie and Aiden


For Monday's activity don't be put off by the term 'quotient'. It literally means, 'a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.'

Thanks for everyone having a go but we hope to see more of you logging on.

Have a great Tuesday.

Mrs W and Mr F. xx

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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