Year 2 Update 01.05.20

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 7:07am

Morning Year 2!

I cannot believe it is the 1st of May already! 

From now on, Mr Foster wants us to do a “Shout Out” each Friday where we celebrate children who are engaging well with their learning.  I thought really hard about this last night and I looked back over this week’s work that has been uploaded.  And I decided that, this week at least, I couldn’t pick out any individuals because YOU ARE ALL DOING AN AMAZING JOB – PARENTS/CARERS INCLUDED! 

So my “Shout Out” this week goes to everyone in Year 2 who are working hard at home and to all the parents/carers who are helping them each day!  Well done to you all – you are all FANTASTIC!  Give yourselves a massive pat on the back and a huge marshmallow clap! J

Reminder – today is the due date for your “Man on the Moon” stories to be uploaded to that particular homework page.  If you haven’t written yours yet that is ok, you can still do it and keep it safe in your yellow book, but if you upload it to that page after today I won’t be able to see it or comment upon it.

The weather doesn’t look great again today or tomorrow but Sunday looks as if it will be the beginning of another beautiful week.  So, once you have done everything you need to today why don’t you begin your weekend with a movie night tonight and perhaps a board game day tomorrow.  That’s my plan over the next 2 days and I am sure it will include lots of hot chocolate and popcorn. I fancy a Star Wars marathon (Max!) but I am sure Archie will talk me out of it.

Have a good weekend and I will write again Monday! J J

Mrs MacKay

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

We are proud of our school and the personal and academic achievements of our pupils. We hope that you can get a sense of our energy, ambition and ethos from this website. If you are interested in finding out more, do get in touch. Our children and staff would love to show you around.

0161 921 1098

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[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

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