Year 2 Update 22.06.20 - 26.06.20

Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 1:32pm

Morning Year 2!

I hope the nicer weather that we had over the weekend is here to stay rather than the gloomy rain that we had last week.  Although, I did love all the thunder and lightning storms.  I love watching them, safely from inside the house of course, and there have been some brilliant ones over the last week.  The nice thing is that you can still get your wellies on and splash in the puddles afterwards.

I hope you enjoyed last week's book and the Andy Goldsworthy art project.  I think you did, because there were some fabulous poems written and some wonderful pieces of artwork uploaded for me to see.  I hope that you will enjoy this week’s work – it is all about a trip to London.

I think most of us have got used to the new blogs and discussion pages now but if you can’t remember what the changes are look back at the first new blog (01.06.20-05.06.20) which sets them out in more detail.

Each week, on the weekly blog you will find:

  • 5 a day activity sheet
  • Maths No Problem.  This week please do: Workbook 2B, Chapter 14 Worksheets 6, 7, 8 and 9, over the week. 

Remember - you can now pick up your Maths No Problem textbook from school if you haven't already done so.

  • Maths mat
  • 2 x Writing Tasks.  Listen to the story Katie in London by James Mayhew.  You can find it here on YouTube:
  • SPAG mat
  • 2 x Comprehension Tasks.  If I have added the word ‘differentiated’ it means there are 3 sets of questions for that title.  Do not do all three.  You can pick the one you would like to do.  Choose the third set of questions if you want to be more stretched. 
  • Topic task – which this week is a History task.  You have to find out about the history of a London landmark. 

You will also find:

  • 5 Mathletics tasks (for the week)
  • New spellings on Spellodrome
  • Times Table Rockstars

Make sure you also include lots of play and outdoor activities into your routine.  Have a marvellous week Year 2!

Bye for now

Mrs Mackay J






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