Year 2 Update 23.04.20
Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 8:34am
Thursday 23.04.20
Morning Year 2!
Hope you all had a good day yesterday. I was in school and some children had a go at doing the writing task I gave you on Tuesday. They did some fab pieces and I can't wait to read the ones that you have written. I was quite surprised yesterday, when I was in school, that none of the children had ever been to a circus. But all of them said they were going to put it in their wish jar, for them to do at some point in the future.
When you have a look at today's task you'll see it is carrying on the circus theme this week.
How have you all been getting on with making or drawing your own circus? I would like to see these when they are done.
One of the children in our class suggested that, along with this week's theme, she was going to watch the film Dumbo., which I thought was a terrific idea. So when Archie and I have our film night on Friday that is what we are going to watch. If you have a film night in your house, and you have access to it, perhaps you could suggest the same film too.
Have a super day Year 2!
Mrs MacKay