Year 2 Update 25.03.20
Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 9:30am
25.03.20 - Day 3
Morning Year 2!
I'm glad to see so many of you making use of the Mathletics, Spellodrome and Rockstars websites. I've set a new task on Mathletics. Please choose another task from the sheet to do today as well. Why don't you also consider keeping a short diary of your activities at this time, as I am doing. It may be interesting to read in future weeks.
Whilst the weather is so beautiful, if you can, please get out in your gardens - being mindful of the rules of staying with your own family. You could play a board game outside, throw a ball around or read a book. That's what I will be doing later.
Take care and I will write again tomorrow.
Mrs MacKay