Year 3 at All Saints Church
Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 1:28pm
This morning, the children in Year 3 walked down to All Saints church in the nice, warm sunshine, to take part in the 10 a.m. service.
This was our first trip to church. When we arrived, we were greeted by Father Jeremy and the Vice Chair of Governors, Mr Alan Johns and took our places at the front of the congregation.
The children joined in and read from the service sheet, participating when the other regular church-goers did.
Towards the end of the service, the children were invited to share their learning with everyone; discussing Lent and how they can be forgiving, accepting, servant hearted and bold, just like Jesus in the bible. The children were able to quote chapters and verses from the bible, citing stories such as Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus, Jesus in the Wilderness and how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. We finished with a thoughtful prayer.
Father Jeremy gave us all a special blessing before the congregation took Holy Communion.
Thank you to those parents and grandparents who came to support us.
As their teacher, I was so proud of the behaviour and confidence of all the children. They were a real credit to us all.
Here’s what some of the children thought.
“I enjoyed reading out my words and prayer in front of the audience.”
“I liked closing my eyes and praying with everyone because it was so peaceful.”
“The blessing showed me what to do during the service and made me feel relaxed.”
“I followed the information on the service sheets and joined in with the special words.”
“The crisps and drink were a real treat.”