Year 3 Go to Church
Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 11:45am
This morning, the children in Year 3 walked down to All Saints Church to take part in the 10 a.m. service.
When we arrived, we were greeted by Fr. Jeremy, Fr. Al and Mr Gettins and took our places at the front of the congregation.
The children joined in the service and read from the service sheet, participating when the other regular church-goers did. There was a lot of sitting down and standing up again. We joined in with prayers, readings and blessings.
In the middle of the service, the children were invited to share their learning with everyone; discussing our current Collective Worship theme of ‘Responsibility’ and its importance for Christians. The children were able to cite bible stories such as ‘The Parable of the Talents’ from the book of Matthew. We finished with a thoughtful prayer. The children read very clearly.
Father Jeremy gave us all a special blessing before Lucy and the rest of the congregation took Holy Communion.
We really enjoyed the crisps and drinks afterwards, a just reward for all our efforts.
Here’s what some of the children thought:
“I liked doing the reading and my mum smiled at me so I knew she was proud.”
“I enjoyed talking with my friends with our crisps and a drink.”
“I took Holy Communion like I do at St. Charles.”
“Fr. Jeremy and Fr. Al were dressed in red and the table was dressed in green.”
“I was blessed by Fr. Jeremy so I knew I was part of Jesus’s life.”
“It was good so see our family there to watch us read.”
Thank you to those parents, grandparents and brothers who came to support us. It was lovely to see you all there.
I was so proud of the behaviour and confidence of all the children. Once again, several members of the church approached me to thank us for joining them and to commend the children on their fantastic reading and behaviour.
They were a real credit to us all.