Year 3 International Day of Mathematics 2023

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 11:39am

Today was International Day of Mathematics 2023.

The International Day of Mathematics is a worldwide celebration. Each year on March 14 all countries are invited to participate through activities for both students and the general public in schools, museums and libraries.

March 14 was chosen because it was already celebrated in many countries as Pi Day, based on the fact that some countries write it as 3/14 and the mathematical constant Pi is approximately 3.14.

As a way of celebrating at home, I am having pie for tea.  Shepherd’s pie in fact.  I make a mean shepherd’s pie and the gravy is to die for.  My corned beef and potato pie is pretty good too. Mmmmmm, pie!

Anyway, this morning, Year 3 watched a video explaining the importance of mathematics before tackling some fun maths puzzles such as sudoku, a triangle conundrum, algebra with fruit and other number games that really got their cogs working.  Later on, they produced a colourful poster to promote their love of maths.

The winner of the poster can be found by solving this simple mathematical equation. 


Here is what the children thought:

‘Maths is everywhere around us and we couldn’t live without it.’

‘Maths is exciting and fun in all sorts of ways.’

‘Maths is useful – it gets planes in the air and helps make buildings.’

‘The puzzles this morning really got my brain working.’

‘I love maths because we get to work out tricky problems.’

Here’s what the teacher thought:

‘Maths is one of my favourite subjects to teach.  The children are always enthusiastic and engaged in the daily challenges that maths always brings.  The children had lots of fun this morning.  They really enjoyed the puzzles developed their ability to think as mathematicians.’

Please feel free to look at our photographs and why not try some maths puzzles at home.

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

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[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

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