Nursery 2024 - 2025
Miss Hargreaves
Welcome to Nursery!
At Wardley CE Primary School, we strive to make every day in Nursery a time for engaging and memorable learning opportunities.
By providing the children with high-quality resources, adult interactions and stimulating experiences, we encourage the children to be curious and inquisitive within the EYFS setting.
Current Nursery:
Spring Term One
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
I hope that you all had a magical Christmas break. It has been lovely welcoming the children back into Nursery and hearing all about their Christmas holidays. They have settled back into Nursery life beautifully and are ready for a fantastic term filled with lots of fun and learning.
Please download our Nursery Curriculum Leaflet for Spring Term One. Our curriculum leaflet has information about what we will be learning over the next few weeks.
If you have any questions, feel free to catch me in the morning/ after school at the door or contact the school office who will schedule a meeting for us.
Thank you for your continued support!
The Nursery Team :)
Files to Download
Nursery: Blog items
British Science Week 2025 poster competition, by Mr Houston
Nursery visit to Swinton Library, by Miss Hargreaves
Girls' Football Match, by Mr Houston