Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Tinkler
‘For you are all one in Jesus Christ’
Galatians 3:18
Welcome back EveryoneI hope you all had a fantastic half term break.
Did you do anything nice? Did you go anywhere exciting? Did you manage to relax and wind down from a busy start to the new year? Come and tell me all about it.
Once again, the children have made massive strides in their attitudes, behaviour and academic achievement. Please read our latest blogs for French, Design and Technology and Music.
We have filled our class marble jar so can look forward to our first ‘Treat Day’ during the second week back. Details of our special ‘Treat Day’ will be announced very soon…watch this space! Good to be Green cards are getting filled very quickly indeed and everyone in class has been rewarded with a Headteacher Award and a Handwriter or Star of the Week certificate. Boom Reader is chugging along nicely too.I have attached the Spring 2 Curriculum Leaflet. The Curriculum Leaflet details the exciting things we will be learning this half term. Please feel free to read this at your leisure.
I have also attached Spring 2 Project which is titled ‘How do plants grow?’ It will give you the opportunity to grow your own plants, fruit, flowers or vegetables at home and make observations as they grow. This ties in very nicely with our science topic.Remember you can still bring in a photograph of you in another country. It might be somewhere you go on holiday or from when you have visited relatives. I will attach these to our class world map so the children can get a better understanding of where they went and where they are in the world.
I cannot wait for this term to start. We have a lot to get through but I promise to make it as exciting and interesting as possible. We might even have a bit of fun too.
As usual, my door is always open should you need anything at all.
Love from Mr Tinkler
Year 3: Blog items
British Science Week 2025 poster competition, by Mr Houston
Food Technology in Year 3, by Mr Tinkler
Science in Year 3 - Fantastic Forces, by Mr Tinkler