COVID 19 -Update 3 April 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Re: Coronavirus update – Useful Links


We have received some useful links that we thought would be good to share with you.


We a very aware that a lot of our children will be spending a lot more time online at the moment – either because they are doing their work or simply for their own enjoyment. However, this does mean it is more important than ever that they are keeping safe whilst online. This is some government guidance about Where can you go to get support to help keep my child safe online?


There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:


  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe       online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)
    Salford Education Authority have also put together some useful information for parents and carers during the coronavirus outbreak. From talking to children about coronavirus and dealing with anxiety, to tips on home schooling and fun things to do at home, go to .
    Many thanks for your continued support.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mark Foster
    Head teacher



Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

We are proud of our school and the personal and academic achievements of our pupils. We hope that you can get a sense of our energy, ambition and ethos from this website. If you are interested in finding out more, do get in touch. Our children and staff would love to show you around.

0161 921 1098

Mrs Statham | School Business Manager

Miss Briffa | School Administrator

[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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