Nursery 1.5.2020

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 9:20am

Good morning boys and girls :-)

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday.

I was in school and so wasn't able to log on and see what you have all been upto. However, I've just had a nosey now and would like to say thank you to those of you who have managed to get the tasks done this week.

To end the week, I have added a fun little Bingo game today. In the downloads, you will see Bingo cards made up of pictures you can sound out (, b..e..d..bed). There are also 16 words to match each of the pictures.

In order to play the game:

1. Cut out the 4 Bingo cards and the 16 words.

2. Each player takes a Bingo card and the words should be placed face-down in the middle.

3. Take it in turns to pick a word and sound it out (some of us may need help with this).

4. Whoever has the picture of this word on their Bingo card can place an object over it.

5. When all of your pictures are covered, you must shout BINGO as loud as you can!

I wonder who will get the first Bingo in your house?


Finally, I just wanted to end with a little message for Mums and Dads.

Whilst I have been in school, I have been making some phone calls home to check how you are all doing (I haven't got through to everybody yet but I'm making calls each time I'm in and working down the register). It has been lovely speaking to you! However, it seems that a few of you are worried about the amount of work you are getting through with the children.

I just wanted to reassure everybody that whatever you are getting through in terms of learning with your child is enough! Some days you might find you get through lots yet other days, you might do nothing, and that is okay! You are doing a great job keeping them at home, safe and occupied which is hard enough in itself at times. Home-schooling is no easy ask, especially if you yourself are working from home too. The tasks that I put online are there if you need them, but you must make them fit to your family's routine. We can't forget that these are unprecendented, crazy times, and all we can do is our best.

So for parents (and children) - a great big thank you for all that you are doing!

Have a lovely weekend everybody and I will speak to you again on Monday.

Miss Hargeaves x

Files to Download

Moss Bank Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 9XB

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0161 921 1098

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[email protected]

Mr M Foster | Head Teacher

Mrs K Walker | Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs K Flanagan | SENCO

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