Reception update 01.06.20
Date: 30th May 2020 @ 11:53am
Welcome back Reception.
I hope you all had a nice week and got outside as much as possible =)
Things are going to be run slightly differently this half term because teachers are back in school with a small number of children. The home learning will continue but there will be some changes to blogs, homework pages and discussions.
Each Monday there will now be a weekly blog, written by me. This will include your learning for the whole week. Remember, you don’t have to do everything. I am just putting plenty of things on the webpage to give you lots of variety. You do not need to print everything off. You can simply write the answers into your yellow book. If you need a new book then feel free to come to school to collect one.
There will no longer be a set discussion on the discussion page. Instead, it will now be used as a communication point between the children and myself and for them to ask questions or make comments. This is also where they can upload any writing tasks that they would like me to see. This is the only place for you to upload work. Please don’t upload anything to any other parts of the website as I won’t be able to see it.
Missing you all so much =)
Mrs Flanagan