Year 1 Update 08.06.20 - 12.06.20
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 5:23pm
Morning Year 1!
Well what a busy week it was last week getting ready for some children being back in school and preparing work for both my Year 2 class and for you, to do at home. I have also had to brush up on my algebra skills as I am going to be teaching some Year 6 children as well, over the coming weeks. Pheew!! Luckily, I have my secret helper at home - Archie - who is fab at maths. Hope you all had a great week and have got used to how things are being done differently.
If you can’t remember what the changes are look back at last week’s blog (01.06.20-05.06.20) which sets them out in detail.
Each week, on the weekly blog you will find:
- 5 a day activity sheet
- Maths No Problem. Workbook 1B, Chapter 15, Worksheets 1 to 4 and Review 15 over the week. If you haven’t already, you can now pick up your Maths No Problem textbook from school, in order for you to write directly into your book rather than downloading these worksheets.
- Maths mat (Don't do all 3. Pick the one you fell stretches you most).
- 2 x Writing Tasks Listen to this story The Day the Crayons Quit on
- SPAG mat (Don't do all 3. Pick the one you fell stretches you most).
- 2 x Comprehension Tasks. Lots of the comprehensions uploaded over the coming weeks will have 3 levels of questioning per title. You do not do all three. The first two sets of questions are aimed at Year 1. You can pick the one you would like to do. Choose the second set of questions if you want to be more stretched.
- Topic task – which this week is a science experiment
You will also find:
- 5 Mathletics tasks (for the week)
- New spellings on Spellodrome
- Times Table Rockstars
Miss Hoque's 'Joke of the Week'
What is a cat’s favourite colour?
Have a good week and make sure you include lots of play and outdoor activities into your routine.
Bye for now
Mrs Mackay J