Year 1 Update 13.07.20 - 17.07.20

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 9:22am

Dear Year 1 parents,

Anyone who I missed or left a voicemail with I will try and contact you with a phone call on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to have a quick chat to you about next year.  So, if you receive a call from an unknown or withheld number (school’s phones do not always register the number) it could be me.  

Hi Year 1,

Well this is my final blog!  L 

It is the very last week of school and after Friday you and your parents/carers will have a well-deserved break from school work.  So, I just wanted to say well done to you all for the hard work and dedication that you have put in since working at home.  I am very proud of you and I know Miss Hoque is extremely proud of you too! 

I know that Miss Hoque is incredibly sad that she hasn’t been able to finish Year 1 with you, but I am very excited to have you in my class again in September.

So work hard this week but then enjoy your summer holidays. I hope that we will have some beautiful weather again and that you will be able to go outside, enjoy the fresh air and have lots and lots of fun!

Have a brilliant summer Year 1 and I will see you all in September!

And finally! Miss Hoque’s LAST Joke of the Week. L


What goes snap, crackle and squeak?

Mice Krispies. 


Bye for now

Mrs Mackay J


On this week’s blog you will find:

  • 5 a day activity sheet
  • Maths No Problem.  This week please do: Workbook 1B, Chapter 20 Worksheets 1, 2 and 3, Mind workout and Review 20, over the week. 
  • Maths mat (there are 3 of these.  Do not do all three.  Pick the third one if you want to be more stretched).
  • 2 x Writing Tasks.  Write a beach description and write a postcard as if you are on holiday.
  •  SPAG mat (there are 3 of these.  Do not do all three.  Pick the third one if you want to be more stretched).
  • 2 x Comprehension Tasks.  Remember, if I have added the word ‘differentiated’ it means there are 3 sets of questions for that title.  Do not do all three.  The first two sets of questions are aimed at Year 1.  You can pick the one you would like to do.  Choose the second set of questions if you want to be more stretched. 
  • Topic task – which this week is a science task.  Make ice-cream in a plastic bag.  If you don't get chance to do this over the week then you can save it for the summer.  Watch the following video.  The recipe on this page is slightly different to the one I've given you as it is an American page.  Scroll down to near the bottom of the page to find the video clip

You will also find:

  • 5 Mathletics tasks (for the week)
  • New spellings on Spellodrome
  • Times Table Rockstars

Files to Download

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