Christmas Nativity in Year 3

Date: 12th Dec 2020 @ 5:03pm

It's Christmas Time in Year 3.

Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 3 have been extremely busy practising their lines for their Christmas Nativity.

On Friday, they performed wonderfully, spoke so clearly and really enjoyed the experience of the silver screen.  Hopefully you will get to see the completed video later this week.  I will be giving a premier on Monday but only the children are invited...sorry.  I have, however, attached some screenshots for you to enjoy.  I have also attached the script and class prayer.

Thank you for all your efforts helping them learn their lines.  It is very much appreciated.

On Friday, we also had our Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner and watched an amazing live performance of The Grufallo in the afternoon.

And it doesn't stop there. During the last week, there will be no spellings to learn...Ho! Ho! Ho!  There will be no tests at the end of the week either. Ho! Ho! Ho! I have provided the children with some Christmas spellings on Google Classroom should they feel the urge to tackle them this week.  I will also put the project on too.

I am really looking forward to this last week.  We will be creating some festive boxes as part of our Design Technology as well as making special cards for us to take home on the last day.

Remember, it's party day on Wednesday so put on your best sparkly dresses.  Girls can wear what they want too.  

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.




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