Year 1 Update 29.06.20 - 03.07.20
Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 7:59am
Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers,
I wanted to write specifically to you this week.
If it is becoming more difficult to upload work because of time restraints or a change in circumstances at home e.g. parents/carers returning to work, changing shift patterns, busier work schedules at home, please don’t feel that you have to upload all your child’s work. Perhaps just upload the writing tasks and any creative tasks that your children have done. Or if you don’t have time to upload any work at all just ask your child to comment on the ‘Discussion Page’ that they have done it. I would rather hear from your child telling me that they have done some of the work and have a quick chat with them (via the School Spider webpage) than have parents/carers put under pressure to upload every single piece of work.
Of course, if you don’t have time constraints, you are more than welcome to still upload everything for me to see, but please don’t feel that you have to.
I think most of us have got used to the new blogs and discussion pages now but if you can’t remember what the changes are look back at the first new blog (01.06.20-05.06.20) which sets them out in more detail.
Each week, on the weekly blog you will find:
- 5 a day activity sheet
- Maths No Problem. This week please do: Workbook 1B, Chapter 17 Worksheets 1 and 2, Mind workout and Review 17, over the week.
Remember - you can now pick up your Maths No Problem textbook from school if you haven't already done so.
- Maths mat (there are 3 of these. Do not do all three. Pick the third one if you want to be more stretched).
- 2 x Writing Tasks. Listen to the story Gorilla by Anthony Browne. You can find it here on YouTube: There are lots of other versions on YouTube but I really like this one read by a little girl in Year 1.
- SPAG mat (there are 3 of these. Do not do all three. Pick the third one if you want to be more stretched).
- 2 x Comprehension Tasks. Remember, if I have added the word ‘differentiated’ it means there are 3 sets of questions for that title. Do not do all three. The first two sets of questions are aimed at Year 1. You can pick the one you would like to do. Choose the second set of questions if you want to be more stretched.
- Topic task – which this week is a Science task. Watch this video clip on YouTube and then write a fact sheet about gorillas, researching the topic more if you want to.
You will also find:
- 5 Mathletics tasks (for the week)
- New spellings on Spellodrome
- Times Table Rockstars
Even though the weather hasn't been particularly nice over the last couple of days, let’s hope last week’s beautiful weather comes back and we can all get out and enjoy the fresh air. Make sure you include lots of fun, play and outdoor activities into your routine. Have a fabulous week Year 1!
And finally! Last week I forgot to add Miss Hoque’s Joke of the Week. Sorry!!
So this week I have added two.
What time do ducks wake up?
At the quack of dawn
Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper makes them sneeze.
Bye for now
Mrs Mackay J